Southern Africa has a rich diversity of wildlife. On the savannas
herds of herbivores are grazing and browsing. A lot of
these herbivore species like giraff es, zebra’s and many
Due to intensive grazing by cattle,
large areas of the savannah ecosystems
in Southern Africa have been disturbed. Grasses
are over-grazed, and seeds of woody plant species such as
Acacia-species and Sickle bush become established.
Subsequently grasses struggle to recover, and cannot compete
with these trees for water and nutrients. This results in open
savannahs changing into bush encroached areas with bare top
soils which are susceptible to soil erosion. Bush encroachment
is a huge problem in many wildlife ranches in Southern Africa.
The leaves, branches and seeds of these bushes compose
the natural diet of many savannah animals. With this in mind
an idea arose in a South African company. They remove the
surplus bushes and trees from the wildlife ranches and shred
into a fi ne substrate. This substrate together with ingredients
such as alfalfa, maize and a premix, is processed into a pellet,
which is called Boskos Browser. We see this as a win-win
situation, the balance of the savannah is restored and the bushes
form a high quality ingredient. This product has been used to
feed African herbivores in zoo’s successfully for decades.
Because this feed contains mainly bushes and trees it is highly
suitable for browsing herbivores. Of course there are a lot of
grazing African species kept in zoo’s as well. That is why we
developed a new product: Boskos Grazer. This product contains
three species of African grasses, alfalfa and some acacia.
The added vitamins and minerals to both Boskos variants
are especially tailored to the requirements of animals kept in
European zoo’s. With a high vitamin D, E and selenium content
and added linseed oil to cover the fatty acid requirements.
African Feed for African Animals
others are kept in zoo’s all over the world.
When formulating a diet for captive
animals you always want to stay close
to the natural diet. That is why we
developed an African feed for African